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Title: Data Processing and Data Analysis with SAS (Exercise File)
Description: Exercise data set for the SAS book by Uehlinger. Sample of individual variables and cases from the data set of ZA Study 0757 (political ideology). Topics: most important political problems of the country; political interest; party inclination; behavior at the polls in the Federal Parliament election 1972; political participation and willingness to participate in political protests. Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination; school education; interest in politics; party preference.
Übungsdatensatz zum SAS-Buch von Uehlinger. Auswahl einzelner Variablen und Fälle aus dem Datensatz der ZA-Studie 0757 (Politische Ideologie). Themen: Wichtigste politische Probleme des Landes; politisches Interesse; Parteineigung; Wahlverhalten bei der Bundestagswahl 1972; politische Partizipation und Teilnahmebereitschaft an politischen Protesten. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Konfession; Schulbildung; Politikinteresse; Parteipräferenz.
Other Identifiers: 10.4232/1.1232
ZA1232, Version 1.0.0
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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