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Title: | Doctoral Graduates of Year 2016: Career and Employment Survey 2019 Tohtorin tutkinnon vuonna 2016 suorittaneiden työelämään sijoittuminen 2019 |
Keywords: | akateeminen työvoima jatkokoulutus tohtorikoulutus työhönsijoittuminen työllistyminen työmarkkinat työura yliopistot työelämävalmiudet osaaminen appointment to job career development educational certificates employment opportunities higher education institutions labour and employment labour force post-graduates tertiary education (second stage) |
Publisher: | Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto Finnish Social Science Data Archive |
Description: | Uraseurannoilla kerätään vuosittain valtakunnallisesti tietoa yliopistoista valmistuneiden työllistymisestä ja työelämän osaamistarpeista. Vuoden 2019 tohtoriuraseurannalla kartoitettiin vuonna 2016 suomalaisista yliopistoista valmistuneiden tohtoreiden varhaista työuraa ja työtilannetta kolme vuotta valmistumisen jälkeen. Kyselyn teemoja ovat muun muassa tohtorikoulutuksen vaikutus työllistymiseen, koulutuksen vastaavuus työelämän osaamistarpeisiin nähden ja nykyisen työsuhteen laatu. Ensiksi vastaajilta kysyttiin heidän työmarkkinatilanteestaan tohtorin tutkinnon suorittamista ennen ja sen jälkeen sekä mahdollisista työttömyysjaksoista tutkinnon suorittamisen jälkeen. Seuraavaksi kysyttiin vastaajan nykyisestä työsuhteesta ja sen laadusta sekä tiedusteltiin tohtorikoulutuksen ja tutkinnon merkitystä. Vastaajan tuli muun muassa arvioida, kuinka tohtorikoulutus kehitti erilaisia työelämävalmiuksia ja kuinka tärkeitä nämä tiedot ja taidot ovat vastaajan nykyisessä työssä. Lopuksi vastaajilta kysyttiin tohtoriopintojen rahoituksesta ja ensisijaisesta suoritustavasta. Taustamuuttujina aineistossa ovat vastaajan sukupuoli, koulutusala ja ikä valmistuessa kaksiluokkaisena. The survey charted the careers and employment situations of Finnish doctoral graduates three years after they had obtained their degree in 2016. Themes of the survey included impact of a doctoral degree on employment, job satisfaction and development suggestions for doctoral education. The respondents were first asked to what extent different reasons had impacted their decision to take up a doctoral degree, and how they had financed their studies. They were asked to estimate the share of time they had spent on their doctoral dissertation alongside other work. Relating to employment situation and quality of work, questions charted how the degree had affected the respondents' status in the job market and what their occupational status was at the time of the survey and what it had been 6 months before starting the degree and 6 months after finishing it. The respondents were asked if they had been unemployed after finishing their degree, and reasons were charted that potentially had hindered their employment. The respondents who were in paid work were asked the type of their current work tasks and the competences needed in their work. It was also examined whether a doctoral degree was a prerequisite for their current job, how well the respondents' work corresponded to their qualifications, and whether their work was related to the topic of their doctoral dissertation. Gross monthly income was also charted. With regard to the significance of a doctoral degree in occupational life, general satisfaction with the degree was charted along with opinions on whether doctoral education was useful when it came to different types of competences needed in occupational life. Relating to developing and improving doctoral education, views were probed on things that should be emphasised in the education (e.g. skills related to teaching, entrepreneurship, management, popularisation of research results, career planning, presentation skills). Background variables included the respondent's gender, field of study, and age at the time of graduation (dichotomised "under 36"/"36 and over"). |
Other Identifiers: | urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3451 FSD3451 10.60686/t-fsd3451 |
Appears in Collections: | Cessda |
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