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dc.creatorOpiskelun ja koulutuksen tutkimussäätiö (Otus)fi
dc.creatorResearch Foundation for Studies and Education (Otus)en
dc.descriptionAineistossa on kartoitettu yliopisto-opiskelijoiden moninkertaisten opinto-oikeuksien hankkimiseen johtavia syitä ja tekijöitä eli sitä, miksi joku hankkii kaksi tai useampia opinto-oikeuksia alempiin ja ylempiin korkeakouluopintoihin Suomessa. Tutkimuksen rahoittajana toimi Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto SYL ry. Vastaajilta kysyttiin ensin heidän suorittamistaan toisen asteen koulutuksista sekä kotitaustasta. Seuraavaksi kysyttiin ensimmäisistä korkeakouluopinnoista ja niiden aloittamiseen liittyvistä syistä. Tämän jälkeen tiedusteltiin toisista korkeakouluopinnoista ja niihin liittyen opintoihin, työelämään ja työllistymiseen sekä perheeseen, asumiseen ja muuten omaan elämään liittyvistä taustatekijöistä. Edelleen kysyttiin kolmansista ja useammista korkeakouluopinnoista. Aineiston taustamuuttujat ovat vastaajan sukupuoli ja syntymävuoden pohjalta luokiteltu ikä, vanhempien koulutus ja ammattiasema sekä tiedot toisen asteen
dc.descriptionThe survey charted the reasons and factors behind higher education students having multiple rights to study in tertiary education in Finland. In this study, the notion of multiple rights to study covers simultaneous, consecutive or unconnected (at several points in time) rights to study in higher education institutions. The study was funded by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). First, the respondents' social background was charted with statements concerning, for example, whether their parents had always encouraged them to study, whether their relatives had higher education degrees and whether their family thought that studying in higher education required exceptional talent. The respondents were asked about their reasons for starting their first higher education studies (e.g. it was important for their parents that they applied to higher education, they didn't have a clear idea of what they wanted to study, their friends applied to the same higher education institution). Next, the respondents' reasons for acquiring a second right to study were examined. Reasons relating to studying included, for example, feeling that the first studies were too difficult and finding a more interesting field of study. Reasons relating to working life and employment included, among others, preferring to be a student over being unemployed and wanting to develop vocational or professional skills. Reasons relating to family, housing and life in general included, for example, feeling a strong calling to the new field of study and wanting to study in the same place where a spouse or partner lived. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they had more than two rights to study in higher education, how many study credits they had received during their entire higher education studies, and whether they had at present or in the past had a study right for postgraduate studies (doctoral studies) or in a higher education institution abroad. The respondents were also asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with statements concerning various reasons for applying to higher education (e.g. supporting the welfare and well-being of others, parents' disappointment in not acquiring a higher education degree). Background variables included the respondent's gender, age group (categorised based on year of birth) and information on the respondent's upper secondary education. Additionally, the highest level of education of the respondent's parents as well as their occupation during the respondent's last year in basic education were charted.en
dc.publisherYhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkistofi
dc.publisherFinnish Social Science Data Archiveen
dc.rightsTietoarkiston ja aineiston luovuttajan tekemän sopimuksen
dc.rightsIn accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor.en
dc.subjecttoisen asteen koulutusfi
dc.subjectsosiaalinen taustafi
dc.subjecttutkinnon suorittaneetfi
dc.subjecteducational certificatesen
dc.subjecthigher education institutionsen
dc.subjecttertiary educationen
dc.subjectupper secondary educationen
dc.titleMultiple Rights to Study of Higher Education Students 2019en
dc.titleKorkeakouluopiskelijoiden moninkertaiset opinto-oikeudet 2019fi
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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