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dc.creatorGävert, Titifi
dc.creatorJuntunen, Elinafi
dc.creatorKiiski, Joukofi
dc.creatorLaine, Tiinafi
dc.creatorGävert, Titien
dc.creatorJuntunen, Elinaen
dc.creatorKiiski, Joukoen
dc.creatorLaine, Tiinaen
dc.descriptionDiakoniabarometrit kartoittavat diakoniatyöntekijöiden käsityksiä ja kokemuksia työstään. Diakoniabarometri 2016 keskittyi erityisesti syksyn 2015 maahanmuuttaja-aaltoon. Teemoina ovat huono-osaisuuteen liittyvät kysymykset sekä yhteisöllisyyden mahdollisuuksien pohdinta avun tarjoamisen kanavana. Aluksi tiedusteltiin, minkälaisia ihmisiä vastaajat olivat kohdanneet työssään vuonna 2015 (esim. hengellisen väkivallan uhri, asunnoton). Lisäksi kysyttiin, mitä diakoniatyöntekijät olivat tehneet työssään vuonna 2015 (esim. kutsunut ihmisiä toimimaan yhdessä). Kyselyssä selvitettiin myös viikkotyöajan jakautumista. Edelleen vastaajilta tiedusteltiin, minkälaisia toimenpiteitä kirkko ja yhteistyökumppanit ovat tehneet auttaakseen turvanpaikanhakijoita. Vastaajilta selvitettiin myös kokemuksia turvapaikanhakijoiden auttamisesta. Diakoniabarometrissa kartoitettiin lisäksi työolosuhteita kysymällä mm. työaikana tapahtuneista uhkaavista tilanteista ja fyysisestä väkivallasta. Lopuksi kysyttiin tärkeimpiä diakoniatyön osaamisalueita ja arvojen merkitystä työyhteisössä. Taustamuuttujina oli mm. työskentelypaikan asukasmäärä, ikäryhmä, koulutustausta, sukupuoli, työkokemus ja
dc.descriptionDiaconia Barometers chart Finnish diaconal workers' experiences of their work. The 2016 survey concentrated especially on the 2015 European refugee crisis and the influx of people seeking asylum in Finland. Themes included social disadvantage and the possibilities of communality as a channel for helping. First, the respondents were asked how often they had encountered different types of abused or disadvantaged clients in their work (e.g. a victim of emotional abuse, someone who constantly has to resort to food aid, someone unable to apply for social security benefits, an illegal immigrant, a homeless person). They were also asked how often in 2015 they had performed a variety of tasks (e.g. organised voluntary activities, organised spaces for clients' own activities, helped the socially disadvantaged in becoming a meaningful part of the congregation). The barometer also surveyed the share of time the respondents used weekly on certain types of diaconal work, such as communal work in a church or client work in the diaconia office. It was queried whether a holding centre or other means of lodging was arranged in the parish area for asylum seekers in 2015, and if the respondents had helped asylum seekers either voluntarily or as part of their work. The respondents were presented with a set of attitudinal statements regarding asylum seekers as well as relations between asylum seekers, locals, and diaconal/volunteer workers. In addition, an open-ended question queried opinions on what sort of measures should be taken to ensure peaceful coexistence between Finns and asylum seekers. The diaconia barometer also examined the respondents' working conditions. They were enquired about the support received from superiors as well as the most important competences of a diaconal worker in the following ten years. Further questions, repeated from the 2013 Diaconia Barometer, charted harassment or bullying in the workplace. Threatening situations or physical violence caused by clients or members of the congregation were also charted. Finally, the type of values apparent in the respondents' work and work community were examined with attitudinal statements (e.g. "I feel like my team has a common meaning" and "My work relates to things I find important in life"). Background variables included number of inhabitants at the municipality of the respondent's workplace, the respondent's age group, educational background, gender, work experience in the field, and diocese.en
dc.publisherYhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkistofi
dc.publisherFinnish Social Science Data Archiveen
dc.rightsTietoarkiston ja aineiston luovuttajan tekemän sopimuksen
dc.rightsIn accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor.en
dc.subjectasylum seekersen
dc.subjectlabour relationsen
dc.subjectoccupational safetyen
dc.subjectreligious personnelen
dc.subjectsocial disadvantageen
dc.subjectworking conditionsen
dc.titleDiaconia Barometer 2016en
dc.titleDiakoniabarometri 2016fi
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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