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dc.creatorHonkanen, Johannafi
dc.creatorOllikainen, Jyrkifi
dc.creatorPajunen, Sarifi
dc.creatorHonkanen, Johannaen
dc.creatorOllikainen, Jyrkien
dc.creatorPajunen, Sarien
dc.descriptionVuonna 2013 kerätyssä kyselyssä kartoitettiin Tampereen yliopistossa vuosina 2010 ja 2011 tohtorin tutkinnon suorittaneiden sijoittumista työelämään. Vastaajilta kysyttiin esimerkiksi motivaatiotekijöistä jatkotutkinnon aloittamiselle, opintojen rahoittamisesta, työmarkkinatilanteesta ja työllistymistä vaikeuttaneista asioista. Lisäksi tiedusteltiin jatkotutkinnon hyödyistä ja haitoista sekä vaikutuksista työnhakuun, tyytyväisyydestä työhön ja palkan suuruudesta sekä työn vaativuuden ja koulutuksen vastaavuudesta. Lopuksi vastaajilta kysyttiin vielä jatko-opintojen ohjauksen laadusta ja määrästä, tyytyväisyydestä suorittamaansa jatkotutkintoon ja tutkintoon käytetystä ajasta. Aineiston taustamuuttujia ovat sukupuoli, koulutusala ja tutkinnon
dc.descriptionThe Employment Survey of Tampere University Doctoral Graduates 2010-2011, collected in 2013, charted the employment situation of University of Tampere doctoral graduates who had received their degree in 2010-2011. The respondents were asked about their motivation for the postgraduate studies, the financing of their studies, employment after graduation, current employment, views on the education they received, and how doctoral education should be developed at the University of Tampere. The respondents were asked to evaluate how well certain statements corresponded with their motivation for postgraduate studies. The statements included: "I believed it would be easier for me to find a job after graduating" and "I wanted to research a particular subject". Some questions investigated the financing of the respondents' postgraduate studies. Next, the respondents' employment after graduation and possible difficulties with finding a job were also studied. Possible problems included: "Lack of work experience" and "The subject of doctoral thesis". The next part of the survey focused on the current employment status of the respondents. This included questions on the respondent's current job description and salary. The respondents were also asked whether the doctoral degree was a requirement for their current job, how well the job corresponded with their education, and whether their doctoral thesis was related to their current job. In the last part of the survey, the respondents were asked to evaluate the guidance they had received during their postgraduate education and their satisfaction with the postgraduate education in the University of Tampere. The respondents were also asked to evaluate how they thought postgraduate education should be developed. Background variables included gender, field of study, and degree level.en
dc.publisherYhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkistofi
dc.publisherFinnish Social Science Data Archiveen
dc.rightsTietoarkiston ja aineiston luovuttajan tekemän sopimuksen
dc.rightsIn accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor.en
dc.subjectakateeminen työvoimafi
dc.subjectappointment to joben
dc.subjectcareer developmenten
dc.subjecteducational certificatesen
dc.subjectemployment opportunitiesen
dc.subjecthigher education institutionsen
dc.subjectlabour and employmenten
dc.subjectlabour forceen
dc.subjecttertiary education (second stage)en
dc.titleEmployment Survey of Tampere University Doctoral Graduates 2010-2011en
dc.titleTampereen yliopistossa vuosina 2010-2011 tohtorin tutkinnon suorittaneiden työelämään sijoittuminenfi
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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