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Title: Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy Survey, 2014-2020: Secure Access
Keywords: ENERGY
United Kingdom
Description: <P>Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.</P>
The <em>Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy Survey</em> (LCRES) is an annual survey designed to collect information from businesses working within the green economy, including low carbon and renewable energy activities. UK government departments and devolved administrations will use this information to assess and develop policies relating to green job creation, potential growth and investment opportunities both nationally and regionally. The LCRES was conducted for the first time in 2015, for the reporting year 2014. Continuity between the first and second year of the survey was ensured with minimal changes made to the questionnaire in the second year.<br> <br> The survey provides a number of high-level indicators of Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) activity such as turnover, number of businesses, imports, exports, employees and capital assets. Results from the LCRES can be used to show business activity in 17 specific sectors which can be aggregated into 6 LCREE groups.<br> <br> All businesses with an employment of 250 or above are selected, together with a random sample of businesses from each of the other strata, defined by 2-digit SIC 2007 industry classification, country and employment size-band. Businesses that are randomly sampled are generally expected to remain in the sample for 2 years.<br> <br> Further information about the LCRES is available on the <a href="">ONS</a> web pages.<br><br>For Secure Lab projects applying for access to this study as well as to SN 6697&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">Business Structure Database</span>&nbsp;and/or SN 7683&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">Business Structure Database Longitudinal</span>, only postcode-free versions of the data will be made available.<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Latest Edition Information</span><br> For the seventh edition (September 2022), a new data file for 2020 has been added and the data files for 2018 and 2019 have been updated. The User Guide has also been updated and a new Data Dictionary file has been added.<br><br>
<B>Main Topics</B>:<BR>
<p>The dataset is produced from the results of the annual LCREE survey and allows for UK and country level estimates of turnover, employment, imports, exports, acquisitions and disposals from this part of the UK economy, broken down by seventeen sectors that make up the UK LCRES (onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, hydropower, other renewable electricity, bioenergy, alternative fuels, renewable heat, renewable combined heat and power, energy efficient lighting, energy efficient products, energy monitoring, saving or control systems, low carbon consultancy financial and advisory services, low emission vehicles and infrastructure, carbon capture and storage, nuclear power, fuel cells and energy storage system).&nbsp;<br></p>
Other Identifiers: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8206-6
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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