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DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.creator | Russell, M., University College London, School of Public Policy, Constitution Unit | en |
dc.creator | NatCen Social Research | en |
dc.creator | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research | en |
dc.creator | Senior, M., Cardiff University, Department of City and Regional Planning | en | | 2017-05-25T14:00:39Z | en |
dc.identifier | 8178 | - |
dc.identifier | 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8178-1 | - |
dc.identifier | | - |
dc.identifier.uri | | * |
dc.description | <P>Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.</P>The <i>British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles</i>, or Natsal, are among the largest and most detailed studies of sexual behaviour in the world. Three Natsal surveys have taken place to date: Natsal-1 in 1990-1991 (available from the UK Data Archive under SN 3434), Natsal-2 in 1999-2001 (available under SN 5223) and Natsal-3 in 2010-2012 (available under SN 7799, and for Secure Access versions SN 8178 and SN 8179). Further information is available from the <a class="external" href="" title="Natsal">Natsal</a> website.<br> | en |
dc.description | The <i>National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012</i> is the third survey in the series. Natsal-3 aimed to provide up-to-date information on key sexual behaviours and risk factors, as well as to look at trends over time by including comparable measures to those used in the previous two surveys, and to include new questions and an extended age range to take account of current information needs in the field of sexual health. <br> <br> The main objectives of Natsal-3 were to: <ul><li>provide a detailed understanding of patterns and variability of sexual behaviour in Britain (including, for example, numbers of sexual partners, frequency of different sexual practices, and homosexual experience) </li><li>provide self-reported estimates of a range of sexual and reproductive health outcomes (including, for example, pregnancy, STI diagnosis, contraception use) and health service use</li><li>explore sexual behaviour and function over the life-course by including an older age group (up to age 74) </li><li>describe changes in sexual activity over time and trends in relationships, reproductive history and patterns of fertility (using Natsal-1, Natsal-2 and Natsal-3) </li><li>from urine samples, measure the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, type-specific Human Papillomavirus, HIV antibody and Mycoplasma genitalium</li><li>measure the gender-specific distribution of salivary testosterone and its relationship to sexual behaviour, function and ageing</li></ul><b>Secure Access Datasets</b><br> The Natsal-3 Secure Access datasets include additional variables considered too sensitive or disclosive for release under standard End User Licence (EUL) conditions. Additional variables available under the Secure Access study SN 8178 but not under the Natsal-3 EUL study SN 7799 include:<ul><li>detailed geographic variables, including Local Authority Districts and Area Classification for Output Areas Subgroups</li><li>respondent month of birth</li><li>age when had hysterectomy</li><li>month and year of first and most recent sex with partners</li><li>outcomes of pregnancies</li><li>age at first stillbirth</li><li>variables relating to abortions</li><li>age at miscarriage, abortion or still birth</li><li>month of last pregnancy</li><li>genders and month of birth of children</li><li>number of children gave birth to in multiple births</li><li>ungrouped ethnic group</li><li>age when first and last injected non-prescribed drugs</li><li>dates (months) relating to live-in partners</li><li>qualifications</li><li>Indices of Multiple Deprivation</li></ul>The Secure Access dataset SN 8179 includes the above additional variables plus variables relating to urine and saliva sample tests.<br> <br> | en |
dc.description | <B>Main Topics</B>:<BR> | en |
dc.description | The face-to-face interview included sections on: general health; alcohol consumption; smoking; body mass index; family history; learning about sex; first sexual experiences; contraception; periods and menopause; household classification; previous live-in partnerships; household composition; employment; qualifications; parents occupation; ethnicity; sexual identity; religion and internet access.<br> <br> The self-completion questionnaire included sections on: heterosexual behaviour; same-sex behaviour; heterosexual partnerships; same-sex partnerships; overlapping partnerships; online partnerships; total partnerships; detailed partnerships; travel and sex abroad; non-consensual sex; paying for sex; pregnancy history; unplanned pregnancy; family formation; fertility intentions and infertility; sexually transmitted infections; HIV testing; sexual function; drug use; mood and wellbeing and circumcision.<br> <br> Users should note that some variables have been removed or recoded for anonymity and confidentiality reasons.<br> | en |
dc.language | en | - |
dc.rights | Copyright A. Johnson, C. Mercer and Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. | en |
dc.subject | ABORTION | en |
dc.subject | ADOPTED CHILDREN | en |
dc.subject | AGE | en |
dc.subject | AIDS (DISEASE) | en |
dc.subject | ALCOHOL USE | en |
dc.subject | ATTITUDES | en |
dc.subject | BIRTH ORDER | en |
dc.subject | CHILDREN | en |
dc.subject | CIRCUMCISION | en |
dc.subject | COEDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS | en |
dc.subject | COHABITATION | en |
dc.subject | CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES | en |
dc.subject | DISABILITIES | en |
dc.subject | DISEASES | en |
dc.subject | DIVORCE | en |
dc.subject | ECONOMIC ACTIVITY | en |
dc.subject | ETHNIC GROUPS | en |
dc.subject | INFIDELITY | en |
dc.subject | FERTILITY | en |
dc.subject | FRIENDS | en |
dc.subject | GENDER | en |
dc.subject | HEALTH | en |
dc.subject | HEALTH PROFESSIONALS | en |
dc.subject | HEIGHT (PHYSIOLOGY) | en |
dc.subject | HIV INFECTIONS | en |
dc.subject | HOMOSEXUALITY | en |
dc.subject | HOUSEHOLDS | en |
dc.subject | HOUSING TENURE | en |
dc.subject | LOVE | en |
dc.subject | MARITAL HISTORY | en |
dc.subject | MARITAL STATUS | en |
dc.subject | MARRIAGE | en |
dc.subject | MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION | en |
dc.subject | MENSTRUATION | en |
dc.subject | MISCARRIAGE | en |
dc.subject | NEONATAL DEATHS | en |
dc.subject | OCCUPATIONAL STATUS | en |
dc.subject | OCCUPATIONS | en |
dc.subject | PARENTS | en |
dc.subject | PREGNANCY | en |
dc.subject | PREMARITAL SEX | en |
dc.subject | PROSTITUTION | en |
dc.subject | QUALIFICATIONS | en |
dc.subject | RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION | en |
dc.subject | RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE | en |
dc.subject | SELF-EMPLOYED | en |
dc.subject | SEX EDUCATION | en |
dc.subject | SEXUAL AWARENESS | en |
dc.subject | SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR | en |
dc.subject | PARTNERSHIPS (PERSONAL) | en |
dc.subject | SIBLINGS | en |
dc.subject | SMOKING | en |
dc.subject | SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS | en |
dc.subject | SPOUSES | en |
dc.subject | SPOUSE'S ECONOMIC ACTIVITY | en |
dc.subject | STEPCHILDREN | en |
dc.subject | TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE | en |
dc.subject | WEIGHT (PHYSIOLOGY) | en |
dc.subject | HOURS OF WORK | en |
dc.subject | ANTENATAL CARE | en |
dc.subject | CONDOM USE | en |
dc.subject | SAFE SEX | en |
dc.subject | SEXUAL HEALTH | en |
dc.subject | SEXUALITY | en |
dc.subject | BIRTH CONTROL | en |
dc.subject | RHYTHM METHOD (BIRTH CONTROL) | en |
dc.subject | CHRONIC ILLNESS | en |
dc.subject | DEBILITATIVE ILLNESS | en |
dc.subject | PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | en |
dc.subject | DRUG ABUSE | en |
dc.subject | SPOUSE'S OCCUPATION | en |
dc.subject | FAMILIES | en |
dc.subject | INFORMATION SOURCES | en |
dc.subject | SEXUAL ASSAULT | en |
dc.subject | PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS | en |
dc.subject | LIFESTYLE AND HEALTH | en |
dc.subject | SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS | en |
dc.subject | BISEXUALITY | en |
dc.subject | SATISFACTION | en |
dc.subject | INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL | en |
dc.subject | HETEROSEXUALITY | en |
dc.subject | SUPERVISORY STATUS | en |
dc.subject | ILL HEALTH | en |
dc.subject | MEDICINAL DRUGS | en |
dc.subject | HYSTERECTOMY | en |
dc.subject | PHYSICAL MOBILITY | en |
dc.subject | SYMPTOMS | en |
dc.subject | SMOKING CESSATION | en |
dc.subject | ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA | en |
dc.subject | INFORMATION NEEDS | en |
dc.subject | UNDERAGE SEX | en |
dc.subject | MENOPAUSE | en |
dc.subject | SEXUALITY | en |
dc.subject | FAMILY PLANNING | en |
dc.subject | FAMILY PLANNING CLINICS | en |
dc.subject | HEALTH CONSULTATIONS | en |
dc.subject | ANXIETY | en |
dc.subject | PAIN | en |
dc.subject | HAPPINESS | en |
dc.subject | DEPRESSION | en |
dc.subject | CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS | en |
dc.subject | COHABITING | en |
dc.subject | SHIFT WORK | en |
dc.subject | EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND | en |
dc.subject | SOCIAL CLASS | en |
dc.subject | INTERNET ACCESS | en |
dc.subject | RURAL AREAS | en |
dc.subject | URBAN AREAS | en |
dc.subject | POPULATION DENSITY | en |
dc.subject | SOCIAL DISADVANTAGE | en |
dc.subject | STILL-BIRTH | en |
dc.subject | MULTIPLE BIRTHS | en |
dc.subject | 2010-2012 | en |
dc.subject | Great Britain | en |
dc.title | National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012: Secure Access | en |
dc.type | Dataset | en |
dc.coverage | Great Britain | en |
Appears in Collections: | Cessda |
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