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Title: Social Origins and School Career of High School Students
Keywords: school grade
school career
job history
choice of studies
secondary school (Gymnasium)
Description: Determination of school grades from the classes 9 and 10 of high school as well as from leaving certificates (high school graduation grades); change of school and school degree; repeating a school year; planned college subjects; college goals and occupation desired at high school graduation. Demography: class attended by schoolchild in school year 1968/69; school year of successful completion of first public examination in secondary school; school year of successful completion of high school; information on those changing schools; prestige score school-leavers occupation; prestige score high school graduates.
Ermittlung der Schulnoten aus den Klassen 9 und 10 des Gymnasiums sowie des Abgangszeugnisses (Abiturnoten); Schulwechsel und Schulabschluss; Klassenwiederholungen; geplante Studienfächer; Studienziel und Berufswunsch bei Abitur. Demographie: Klasse, in der sich der Schüler im Schuljahr 1968/69 befand; Schuljahr der erfolgreich abgeschlossenen mittleren Reife; Schuljahr des erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Abiturs; Angaben zu Schulwechslern; Prestige-Score Abgänger Beruf; Prestige-Score Abiturienten.
Other Identifiers: 10.4232/1.1440
ZA1440, Version 1.0.0
Appears in Collections:Cessda

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